Media Coverage

Media Coverage

1958 News Items found
Could cancer become a chronic, treatable disease? For many, it already is.
Some 2 million people in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer this year, the National Cancer Institute estimates. But the death ra...
When facing a cancer prognosis, sometimes information isn’t power
In April of 2021, a national rule, part of the 21st Century Cures Act, went into effect, requiring United States health-care providers t...
The Silent Type
A number of cancers — including ovarian, breast, colorectal, cervical, pancreatic and lung — are known as “silent” cancers because they don’t necessari...
Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer Center Offers Specialized Care and Support
With rates of colorectal cancer on the rise in people under 50, specialized clinics are stepping up to provide care that’s targeted to this population....
New Patient-Centered Options for Cancer Treatment
“Intention to Treat” host Rachel Gotbaum talks with patient Awilde Peña and MSK's Deborah Schrag about a new approach to treating rectal cancer that si...
Can Some Cancer Patients Safely Skip Radiation Therapy? New Studies Say Yes
Radiation therapy might not be necessary in treating some forms of rectal cancer and lymphoma, sparing patients from the toxic treatment, a pair of new...
New drug effective at preventing growth of lower-grade brain tumors, clinical trial finds
A new drug that is in a phase 3 clinical trial has proven effective at preventing the growth of lower-grade brain tumors, with doctors saying nearly ha...
Pricey Drug Combo Boosts PFS in First-Line Advanced Ovarian Cancer
A three-drug combination significantly improved progression-free survival (PFS) in newly diagnosed non-BRCA advanced ovarian cancer but raised que...
Rectal Cancer Patients Could Be Spared the Effects of Radiation
A large “de-escalation” trial suggests that tens of thousands of people annually may be able to rely on only chemotherapy and surgery to treat their il...
Treatment Breakthrough for an Intractable Brain Cancer
An experimental drug significantly delayed the growth of a pernicious type of brain tumor, a major advance in a field that has made little progress for...