For Employers

According to a survey published by the Business Group on Health, cancer has overtaken musculoskeletal conditions as the top driver of healthcare costs for large employers. The survey notes that 13% of employers said they are seeing more late-stage cancers, which translates to significantly higher medical costs. 

MSK Direct has successfully partnered with employers across the nation to meet the varied needs of their workforce. Through MSK Direct, employers can focus on lowering healthcare costs and further support their employees by increasing access to cancer prevention resources, expediting access to care from leading clinical subspecialty experts, and providing virtual cancer guidance and support for your employees.  

Supporting your employees, no matter where they are.

Introducing the MSK Direct digital cancer benefits solution. 

Combining Memorial Sloan Kettering’s clinical subspecialized expertise and superior patient outcomes with digitally powered, human-led cancer support coaching and personalized care guidance, the MSK Direct app supports employees across their entire cancer journey.  

Our digital solution empowers members to take control of their treatment plan and enables broad access to expert medical opinions, a comprehensive support team, care navigation, as well as care planning tools – all accessed through the new MSK Direct app.  

If you’re interested in learning more, please contact MSK Direct at 646-449-2700 or email [email protected].


Male employee shown in advertisement encouraging employers to take the pledge and join the Publicis MSK Campaign

Join us and take the #workingwithcancer pledge.

No one should be afraid to reveal their cancer diagnosis, yet 50% of all people with cancer are afraid to tell their employer. Not enough company leaders are aware that 93% of patients believe the support they get at work positively impacts their health.

Take the pledge today to help reduce the fear cancer patients feel, and to create a culture of support for those who need it most.

Take the Pledge

Where and how your employees are treated first matters.

MSK Direct seeks to mitigate the traditional barriers to accessing high-quality cancer care by providing people with the appropriate subspecialized cancer expertise in the care setting that is best for them.  As a world-leading authority, MSK has specialists who treat every type of adult and pediatric cancer, with expertise in surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, nursing, and supportive care.

MSK’s deep, subspecialized knowledge and experience leads to superior outcomes by aligning treatment plans with the latest evidence-based medicine. 

Explore our services and the MSK Direct difference